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2024 Internal Derangement of Joints: Upper Extremity

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Internal Derangement of Joints: Upper Extremity provides an update of current information on MR imaging in the assessment of musculoskeletal disorders. Essential anatomy, physiology and pathology are emphasized that explain imaging findings in disorders of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand and fingers. MR imaging findings in the assessment of common problems in upper extremities are compared to those derived from other imaging methods.

* Release Date: October 1, 2024


At the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Assess MR images in patients with internal derangements of the upper extremity joints.
  • Articulate the anatomic features fundamental to accurate interpretation of the MR imaging findings in these disorders.
  • Formulate a reasonable differential diagnostic list and be able to identify the most likely diagnosis.
  • Comprehend the pathogenesis and imaging findings associated with common and important disorders that affect the upper extremities.


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1. Human Tendons, Structures of the Shoulder: Rotator Cuff Basic Footprint Anatomy and Patterns of Failure with Emphasis on Terminology, Tears and Pseudotears, Impingement and Calcification – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

2. Pectoralis Major/Minor and Teres Major/Latissimus Dorsi Tendons – Eric Y. Chang, M.D.

3. Proximal Biceps Tendon and Rotator Internal – Eric Y. Chang, M.D.

4. Superior Labrum: Anatomy, Normal Variants, SLAP Lesions, and Microinstability – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

5. Macroinstability of the Glenohumeral Joint Including Patterns of Failure of the Labrum and Glenohumeral Ligaments – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

6. Throwing Shoulder – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

7. Acromioclavicular Joint – Mini N. Pathria, M.D.

8. FOCUS SESSION: Shoulder: MRI/Arthroscopy Correlation – Brady Huang, M.D.

9. FOCUS SESSION: Brachial Plexus – Brady Huang, M.D.

10. Elbow Tendons: Biceps, Triceps, Brachialis and Common Extensor and Flexor Tendons – Christine B. Chung, M.D.

11. Elbow Ligaments: Anatomy and Patterns of Failure, Including Fracture-Dislocations and Posterolateral and Posteromedial Rotary Instability and The Throwing Elbow – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

12. FOCUS SESSION: Entrapment Neuropathies of the Upper Extremity – Evelyne A. Fliszar, M.D.

13. FOCUS SESSION: Bone Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions – Edward Smitaman, M.D.

14. Arthritis: Role of MRI – Karen C. Chen, M.D.

15. Fractures/Dislocations of the Upper Extremity: Role of MRI and CT Scanning – Tudor Hughes, M.D., FRCR

16. Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC): Anatomy and Patterns of Failure – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

17. Intrinsic/Extrinsic Ligaments of the Wrist: Anatomy and Patterns of Failure – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

18. Carpal Instability Patterns Including CID, CIND and Greater and Lesser Arc Injuries – Donald L. Resnick, M.D.

19. Flexor and Extensor Tendons of the Wrist – Brady Huang, M.D.

20. MRI Finger and Critical Ligaments of the Thumb – Christine B. Chung, M.D.

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