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UCSF Neuro and Musculoskeletal Imaging 2022

382 views Tags: CME

Stay Current on Rapidly Changing Specialty

UCSF Neuro and Musculoskeletal Imaging is a comprehensive state-of-the-art update on clinically relevant topics in neuroradiology and musculoskeletal imaging. This in-depth CME course includes case-based lectures on topics like skeletal trauma, shoulder instability, brain tumor pitfalls, hydrocephalus, staging cervical nodes, and more. It will help you to better:

  • Revamp imaging protocols for brain, head & neck, spine, nerve and musculoskeletal imaging
  • Understand the parameters of MR arthrographic technique and interpretation of findings
  • Develop strategies to create short brain, spine and neck differentials
  • Implement newer MR sequences like 3D volumetric imaging and metal suppression techniques
  • Understand advances in stroke management and its effect on imaging
  • Outline strategies to evaluate common and uncommon abnormalities in the neck and spine

* Date of Original Release: May 16, 2022

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to apply the following:

  • Recommend CT/MR protocols for brain, head & neck, spine, nerve and musculoskeletal imaging
  • Recognize specific imaging features of infection, trauma, tumors, and inflammatory disorders in the head & spine, and communicate key findings enabling rapid pathological classification
  • Distinguish between normal anatomy, common anatomic variants and pathological disorders of the major musculoskeletal joints, brain, head & neck and spine as evaluated on MRI
  • Recognize internal derangement and post-operative appearances of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot
  • Implement utilization of diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound, ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal procedures and common joint injections; Identify important imaging characteristics of infection, bone and soft-tissue tumors
  • Understand advanced neuroimaging techniques including fMRI, DTI, and MR neurography
  • Develop strategies for evaluating common and uncommon abnormalities in the brain and spine


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1. The Throwing Elbow – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD

2. Radiographic Checklist for Hip Impingement – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD

3. The Other Hip Impingements – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD

4. Osseous Infectious Dilemmas – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD

5. Common MSK Joint Injections – Kevin C. McGill, MD, MPH

6. Arthroplasty Complications – Kevin C. McGill, MD, MPH

7. MRI of the Wrist – Ramya Srinivasan, MD

8. Hip Ultrasound Made Easy – Ramya Srinivasan, MD

9. Ankle MRI – Tendons and Ligaments – Ramya Srinivasan, MD

10. Calcific Tendinitis and Ultrasound-Guided Barbotage – Ramya Srinivasan, MD

11. The Throwing Shoulder – Lynne S. Steinbach, MD

12. MRI of the Post-Operative Shoulder – Lynne S. Steinbach, MD

13. Shoulder Instability – Lynne S. Steinbach, MD

14. Knee Menisci – Pearls and Pitfalls – Lynne S. Steinbach, MD

1. Tumor Update – Matthew D. Bucknor, MD

2. Spaces in the Head and Neck – Christine M. Glastonbury, MBBS

3. Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors – Kevin C. McGill, MD, MPH

4. A Strategic Approach to US-Guided MSK Biopsies – Kevin C. McGill, MD, MPH

5. Spine Nomenclature and Disc Disease – Vinil N. Shah, MD

6. Imaging Approach to Myelopathy – Vinil N. Shah, MD

7. Shoulder MRI – Pearls and Pitfalls – Lynne S. Steinbach, MD

1. Staging Tumors in the Head and Neck – Christine M. Glastonbury, MBBS

2. Cervical Nodes – Christine M. Glastonbury, MBBS

3. Unknown Primary Tumors – Christine M. Glastonbury, MBBS

4. Vocal Cord Paralysis – Christine M. Glastonbury, MBBS

5. Trigeminal Neuralgia and Neuropathy – Christine M. Glastonbury, MBBS

6. Intradural Spine Tumors – How to Tell Them Apart – Vinil N. Shah, MD

7. Practical Cervical and Lumbar Plexus Imaging – Vinil N. Shah, MD

8. Postoperative Imaging of the Spine – Vinil N. Shah, MD

9. CSF Hypotension: Finding and Fixing that Elusive Leak – Vinil N. Shah, MD

10. Neuroradiology Emergencies – Leo P. Sugrue, MD, PhD

11. Neurodegenerative Diseases – Leo P. Sugrue, MD, PhD

12. Midline Lesions – Pituitary and Pineal – Leo P. Sugrue, MD, PhD

13. Temporal Bone – Hearing Loss and Vertigo – Leo P. Sugrue, MD, PhD

14. Advanced Imaging – fMRI and Diffusion – DTI – Leo P. Sugrue, MD, PhD

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