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Harvard Clinical Endocrinology 2024

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Clinical Strategies and Comprehensive Updates for State-of-the-Art Endocrine Care

For nearly 50 years, the endocrinology faculty from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital have offered the course Clinical Endocrinology – the acclaimed annual update of current endocrine diagnostic and management strategies. If you provide care to patients with endocrine disorders, this course will be invaluable to your medical decision-making and patient care.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Evaluate the typical clinical features of common, as well as rare, endocrine diseases
  • Identify at-risk patients who should be screened for endocrine conditions
  • Select appropriate diagnostic tests for patients with possible endocrine disorders, based on published clinical guidelines and other current research findings
  • Recognize evidence-based, cost-effective therapeutic options for patients with endocrine disorders


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1. Welcome and Introduction – Beverly M.K. Biller, MD

2. Hypopituitarism: A Comprehensive Update – Karen K. Miller, MD

3. Cushing’s Diagnosis and Treatment in 2024 – Beverly M.K. Biller, MD

4. Case-Based Approach to Hyperprolactinemia – Alex Faje, MD

5. What Is the Sellar Lesion: Illustrative Pituitary Cases – Nicholas A. Tritos, MD, DSc

6. Expert Faculty Panel for Q & A – Drs. Biller, Miller, Faje, and Tritos

7. Current Diagnosis and Management of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency – Andrew R. Hoffman, MD

8. Clinical Management of Acromegaly – Lisa Nachtigall, MD

9. Update on Pituitary Surgery and Radiation: A Neurosurgeon’s Perspective – Brooke Swearingen, MD

10. Expert Faculty Panel for Q & A – Drs. Biller, Hoffman, Nachtigall, and Swearingen

1. Primary Hyperparathyroidism 2024: A Comprehensive Update – John P. Bilezikian, MD, PhD (hon)

2. Q & A Hyperparathyroidism Cases – Dr. Bilezikian

3. Hypo- and Hypercalcemia: Case-Based Diagnosis and Mechanisms – Michael Mannstadt, MD

4. Q & A Hypo- and Hypercalcemia – Dr. Mannstadt

5. Therapeutic Advances in Rare Bone Diseases – Marc Wein, MD, PhD

6. Q & A Rare Bone Diseases – Marc Wein, MD, PhD

7. Optimizing Bone Health through Vitamin D, Nutrition, and Exercise – Sherri-Ann M. Burnett-Bowie, MD, MPH

8. Bones, Groans, and Stones: Mineral Metabolism Clinical Cases – Elaine Yu, MD, Joy Tsai, MD and Sherri-Ann Burnett-Bowie, MD, MPH

9. Osteoporosis: Current Diagnostic Approaches – Elaine W. Yu, MD

10. Osteoporosis: Treatment Strategies in 2024 – Joy Tsai, MD

11. Osteoporosis: Controversies, Emerging Therapies, Combination Therapy – Benjamin Z. Leder, MD

12. State-of-the-Art Management of Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis – Sara Cromer, MD

13. Osteoporosis Panel: Ask the Experts – Drs. Cromer, Leder, Tsai, and Yu

14. Case-Based Workshops T1-T5

1. Modern-Day Therapy and Results of Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes – David M. Nathan, MD

2. Smart Pumping, Smart Pumps: Technology Management in Type 1 DM – Enrico Cagliero, MD

3. Diabetes Clinical Genetics – Miriam S. Udler, MD, PhD

4. Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Make New Friends, but Keep the Old – David M. Nathan, MD

5. New Approaches to Type 2 Diabetes: How to Choose Next-Step Therapy – Deborah J. Wexler, MD

6. Pulling It All Together: Ask the Diabetes Experts – Drs. Cagliero, Nathan, Udler, and Wexler

7. Topics in Weight Management – Armen Yerevanian, MD

8. State-of-the-Art Lipid Management – Janet Lo, MD

9. Inpatient Diabetes Management: Evidence and Strategies – Caitlin Colling, MD

10. Diabetes in Pregnancy – Camille E. Powe, MD

11. Pulling It All Together: Ask the Diabetes Experts – Drs. Colling, Lo, Powe, and Yerevanian

12. Case-Based Workshops F1-F5

1. Subclinical Thyroid Disease: Do Endocrinologists Pay Attention to the Evidence? – Douglas S. Ross, MD

2. The 2024 Approach to Hyperthyroidism – Giuseppe Barbesino, MD

3. Graves’ Eye Disease – Giuseppe Barbesino, MD

4. Thyroid Nodules: A Costly Problem – Douglas S. Ross, MD

5. Expert Thyroid Panel Answers Your Questions – Drs. Barbesino and Ross

6. Hypothyroidism: Current Diagnosis and Management – Runhua Hou, MD

7. Thyroid Cancer: State-of-the-Art in 2024 – R. Michael Tuttle, MD

8. Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy – Camille Powe, MD

9. Panel of Thyroid Specialists for Q & A – Drs. Hou, Powe, and Tuttle

10. Case-Based Workshops S1-S5

1. Endocrine Hypertension: Case-Based Update on Pheochromocytoma and Primary Aldosteronism – William F. Young, Jr., MD

2. Adrenal Incidentaloma: Illustrative Cases of Current Diagnostic Strategies – William F. Young, Jr., MD

3. Approach to the Menopausal Patient in 2024 – Kathyrn A. Martin, MD

4. Current Diagnosis and Management of Amenorrhea and Hyperandrogenism – Margaret Lippincott, MD

5. Reproductive Faculty Panel for Audience Q & A – Drs. Lippincott and Martin

6. Male Hypogonadism: Insights into Pathophysiology and Evaluation – Frances Hayes, MB BCh BAO, FRCPI

7. Optimizing Treatment Strategies and Patient Outcomes for Male Hypogonadism – Ravikumar Balasbrumanian, MBBS, PhD, MRCP (UK)

8. Gender-Affirming Hormonal Treatment of Transgender Individuals: Changing Paradigms in a Changing Society – Frances Hayes, MB BCh BAO, FRCPI

9. Erectile Dysfunction: A Urologist’s Perspective – Cigdem Tanrikut, MD

10. Expert Reproductive Faculty Answer Your Questions – Drs. Balasubramanian, Hayes, and Tanrikut

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