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Harvard 60th Annual Update: Obstetrics and Gynecology 2024

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Comprehensive Updates for State-of-the-Art Care

Significant advancements in obstetrics and gynecology over the past year have critical implications for clinicians. This Harvard Medical School program, led by top faculty and expert clinicians, delivers the latest updates in diagnosis, treatment, and management of women’s reproductive health across all stages of life.The program offers practical recommendations that can be immediately applied to improve patient care and outcomes. This comprehensive update focuses on:

  • Evidence-based care for maternal complications, reproductive endocrinology, and menopause
  • Innovative surgical approaches and minimally invasive techniques
  • Effective management strategies for neoplastic disorders, pelvic prolapse, and urinary incontinence
  • Equity in women’s health: Addressing health disparities and enhancing access to care

* Date of originial release: March 8-13, 2024


Upon completion of the following activities, learners will be able to:

1. Clinical Obstetrics

  • Review antenatal surveillance, risk-reducing strategies, and quality care measures.
  • Manage maternal complications and adverse neonatal outcomes.
  • Develop treatment plans for antepartum issues, including emergencies, cervical incompetence, and preterm labor.

2. MIGS, Urogynecology, and Gynecologic Oncology

  • Apply gynecologic surgical techniques and manage complications.
  • Choose optimal surgical approaches and analyze trends in minimally invasive surgery.
  • Manage urinary incontinence, pelvic prolapse, and overactive bladder using therapies and evidence-based methods.
  • Develop strategies for neoplastic and non-malignant conditions, including non-surgical management and tumor marker use.
  • Understand opioid-free surgery, adnexal mass features, and lower urinary tract physiology.

3. Infertility, Menopause, and Reproductive Endocrinology

  • Implement updated strategies for endocrine and fertility disorders.
  • Manage pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, and menopause-related concerns.
  • Explore modern reversible contraception methods and address key menopausal health issues.

4. Equity and Women’s Health

  • Assess the impact of individual, community, and structural factors on health outcomes.
  • Define and promote health equity while addressing bias and disparities in OB/GYN care.


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Updates in Clinical Obstetrics

1. Welcome – Clinical Obstetrics – Louise Wilkins-Haug, MD, PhD

2. Advances in the Management of Perinatal Depression – Nicole Smith, MD, MPH

3. Preterm Birth: Updates on Management – Saba Berhie, MD

4. Can We Do Better in Labor Induction? – Sarah Little, MD

5. Improving Outcomes after C-Section – Julianna Schantz-Dunn, MD, MPH

6. Centering: Alternative Approaches for OB Care – Chiamaka Onwuzurike, MD, MPH

7. The Obstetrician-Gynecologist’s Role in Placenta Accreta Spectrum Care – Daniela Carusi, MD, MSc

8. Managing a Patient with a Prior Stillbirth – Yael Hoffman-Sage, MD, MPH

9. Managing a Patient with Prior Preeclampsia – Emily Reiff, MD

10. OB Panel – Should an Induction Be Considered? Cases and Varied Opinions – Drs. Berhie, Little, and Schantz-Dunn

11. OB Panel – What Prior Pregnancy Outcomes Lead You to Alter Management of a Current Pregnancy? – Drs. Carusi, Hoffman-Sage, and

Updates in Maternal-Fetal Medicine

1. Welcome – Maternal-Fetal Medicine – Louise Wilkins-Haug, MD, PhD

2. New Avenues for Fetal Therapy – Alireza Shamshirsaz, MD

3. Should Fetal Anatomy Be Surveyed in the First Trimester? – Rosemary Reiss, MD

4. A Decade of NIPT – Stephanie Guseh, MD

5. Incorporating Maternal Risk Assessment in OB Care – Sarah Rae Easter, MD

6. Changing the Outcomes for Multifetal Pregnancies – Carolina Bibbo, MD

7. Weight Gain and Pregnancy – Chloe Zera, MD, MPH

8. Type 2 Diabetes in Pregnancy – Sarah Lassey, MD

9. Care for Hypertensive Persons after Birth – Ann Celi, MD

10. MFM Panel – Approaches to Care in the Postpartum Period to Improve Maternal Health – Drs. Zera, Lassey, and Celi

11. MFM Panel – Unraveling Challenging Fetal Genetic Results – Drs. Reiss, Guseh, and Easter

Gynecologic Oncology in the General Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology

1. From Abnormal Pap to Rational Plan: A Blueprint for Effective Management – Sarah Feldman, MD, MPH

2. Should You “Guess” the Lesion? How to Differentiate, Treat, or Refer – Colleen Feltmate, MD

3. Endo’ the Line: Orchestrating the Battle against Endometrial Neoplasia – Michelle Davis, MD

4. Contemporary Approaches to the Management of GTN – Ross Berkowitz, MD

5. The Adnexal Mass: Observe, Remove, or Refer – Michael Muto, MD

6. What’s My Risk? Counseling Women about Screening, Testing, and Risk-Reduction Strategies for Ovarian and Uterine Cancers – Kevin Elias, MD

7. From Conduit to Co-conspirator: The Fallopian Tube and “Ovarian” Cancer – Jessica St. Laurent, MD

8. Weight Matters – The Impact of Obesity on Gynecologic Oncology Care – Neil Horowitz, MD

9. Gyn-Onc Panel Discussion – Drs. Feldman, Feltmate, Davis, and Berkowitz

10. Gyn-Onc Panel Discussion – Drs. Muto, Elias, St. Laurent, and Horowitz

I. Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery

1. Fibroids, Sarcomas, and Patient Counseling – Mobolaji Ajao, MD, MPH

2. Gynecologic Pelvic Pain: General Assessment, Tips and Tricks, Novel Therapies – Louise King, MD, JD

3. Surgical Management of Fibroids – Jessica Opoku-Anane, MD, MS

4. Laparoscopic Complications: How to Prevent and Manage – Jon Einarsson, MD, MPH, PhD

5. Open Forum with MIGS Faculty – Drs. Ajao, King, Opoku-Anane, and Einarsson

II. Urogynecology

1. Overview of Contemporary Overactive Bladder Management – Edward Kim, MD, MPH

2. Navigating Delivery after OASIS – Pamela Levin, MD

3. Vaginal Hysterectomy: Best Practices – Vatché Minassian, MD, MPH

4. Updates on Evaluation and Management of Interstitial Cystitis – Jeannine Miranne, MD, MS

5. Open Forum with Urogynecology Faculty – Drs. Kim, Levin, Minassian, and Miranne

Infertility, Menopause, and Reproductive Endocrinology

1. Important Updates for the Infertility Workup – Rachel Ashby, MD

2. Navigating Expanded Options for Ovulation Induction – Elizabeth Ginsburg, MD

3. The Role of IVF in Contemporary Practice – Janis Fox, MD

4. Reversible Contraceptives: Where Are We in 2024? – Kari Braaten, MD, MPH

5. Open Forum with REI Faculty – Drs. Anchan, Gargiulo, and Hornstein

6. PCOS: Treatment of Dysfunction in Reproductive, Metabolic, and Dermatologic Systems – Robert Barbieri, MD

7. Advances in the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss – S. Zev Williams, MD, PhD

8. Cases in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology – Marc Laufer, MD

9. The Role of the Genetic Counselor in the Infertility Evaluation – Lori Dobson, MS, CGC

10. Open Forum with REI Faculty – Drs. Ashby, Ginsburg, Fox, and Braaten

I. Infertility, Menopause, and Reproductive Endocrinology

1. Optimizing the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms – Jan Shifren, MD

2. Menopausal Hormone Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Myths – Kathryn Martin, MD

3. Updates on Osteoporosis Management – Sharon Chou, MD

4. Open Forum with REI Faculty – Drs. Barbieri, Williams, Laufer, and Chou

5. A Practical Approach to the Management of Endometriosis-Associated Pelvic Pain – Mark Hornstein, MD

6. An Update on the Etiology and Management of Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids – Raymond Anchan, MD, PhD

7. A Practical Diagnostic Algorithm for Acute and Chronic Abnormal Uterine Bleeding – Antonio Gargiulo, MD

8. Open Forum with REI Faculty – Drs. Barbieri, Williams, Laufer, and Chou

II. Equity and Women’s Health

1. Actionable Items to Reduce Racial Disparities – Chiamaka Onwuzurike, MD, MPH

2. Care of Non-Binary or Trans Patients – Frances Grimstad, MD, MS

3. Equity Panel Discussion: One Year Post-Dobbs – Drs. Goldberg, Onwuzurike, Grimstad, and Deborah Bartz, MD, MPH

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