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PHYSEO – USMLE Step 2/Clinical 2024


The PHYSEO CLINICAL will include conceptual lectures which are uniquely designed to help you do well on your shelf exams and crush the USMLE® Step 2


* NOTE THAT: There are some pdf files and workbooks that have not been released by PHYSEO, this version will be updated at the end of March 2024.

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Section 1 – Headache Differential

Section 2 – Vertigo and Lightheadedness Differential

Section 3 – Eye Complaints Differential

Section 4 – Altered Mental Status Differential

Section 5 – Sore Throat Differential

Section 6 – Cough Differential

Section 7 – Shortness of Breath Differential

Section 8 – Chest Pain Differential

Section 9 – Vomiting Differential

Section 10 – Upper Abdominal Pain Differential

Section 11 – Diffuse Abdominal and Flank Pain Differential

Section 12 – Lower Abdominal Pain Differential

Section 13 – Back Pain Differential

Section 14 – Leg Pain Differential

Section 15 – Ankle and Foot Injuries Differential

Section 16 – Fever Differential

Section 17 – Syncope and Pre-Syncope Differential

Section 18 – Weakness Differential

Section 19 – Rash Differential

Section 1 – Abdominal Trauma

Section 2 – Chest Trauma Aortic Injury & Cardiac Contusion

Section 3 – Chest Trauma Pulmonary Contusion & Diaphragmatic Rupture

Section 4 – Chest Trauma Flail Chest & Penetrating Chest Injury

Section 5 – Acute Appendicitis

Section 6 – Abdominal Pain and Acute Abdomen

Section 7 – Burns

Section 8 – Thermal Dysregulation

Section 9 – Environmental Toxicities Anticholinergic Poisoning & Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Poisoning

Section 10 – Environmental Toxicities Methanol Poisoning & Ethylene Glycol Poisoning

Section 11 – Drug Ingestion and Antidotes

Section 12 – Metal Toxicity

Section 13 – Inhalation Injury and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Section 14 – Methemoglobinemia and Cyanide Poisoning

Section 15 – Animal Bites

Section 16 – Human Bites

Section 17 – Snake Bites

Section 18 – Spider Bites

Section 19 – Immediate & Early Postoperative Fever

Section 20 – Late & Delayed Postoperative Fever

Section 1 – Biostatistics Overview

Section 2 – Study Designs

Section 3 – Evaluating Study Quality

Section 4 – Evaluating Significance

Section 5 – Bias and Confounders

Section 6 – Sensitivity and Specificity

Section 7 – PPV and NPV

Section 8 – Incidence, Prevalence, and Likelihood Ratios

Section 9 – Measurements of Risk

1. Emergency Medicine (7)

2. Dermatology (1)

3. Cardiology (16)

4. Hematology & Oncology (2)

5. Renal-GU (5)

6. Gastroenterology (12)

7. Endocrinology (3)

8. Musculoskeletal (2)

9. Pulmonary (4) – NO PDFs

10. Pediatrics (4) – NO PDFs

11. Gynecology (3) – NO PDFs

12. Neurology (4) – NO PDFs

1. Infectious Disease (34 Videos & 33 PDFs & 34 Audios)

2. Dermatology ( 21 Videos & 21 PDFs & 21 Audios)

3. Cardiology (33 Videos & 33 PDFs & 33 Audios)

4. Hematology & Oncology (25 Videos & 25 PDFs & 25 Audios)

5. Renal-GU (26 Videos & 26 PDFs & 26 Audios)

6. Gastroenterology (36 Videos & 36 PDFs & 36 Audios)

7. Endocrinology (22 Videos & 22 PDFs & 22 Audios)

8. Musculoskeletal (28 Videos & 28 PDFs & 28 Audios)

9. Pulmonary (12 videos & 12 PDFs & 12 audios)

10. Fluids and Electrolytes (5 videos & PDFs & audios)

Section 1 – Child development – Milestones and Growth

Section 2 – Complications in the Newborn Period – Child Development – Puberty

Section 3 – Glycogen Storage Diseases

Section 4 – Lysosomal Storage Diseases Part 1

Section 5 – Lysosomal Storage Diseases – Krabbe, Gaucher, Hurler, and Hunter Syndromes

Section 6 – Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Section 7 – Complications in the Newborn Period – APGAR Scores and Extracranial Injuries

Section 8 – Complications in the Newborn Period – Neonatal Jaundice

Section 9 – Complications in the Newborn Period – Respiratory Pathologies

Section 10 – GI disease – Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis, Intussusception & Malrotation with Volvulus

Section 11 – GI disease – Meckel Diverticulum, Hirschsprung Disease & Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Section 12 – Urology – Cryptorchidism, Vesicoureteral Reflux & Posterior Urethral Valves

Section 13 – Urology- Penile Conditions

Section 14 – Congenital B Cell Immunodeficiencies

Section 15 – Congenital T Cell Immunodeficiencies – DiGeorge Syndrome

Section 16 – Congenital T Cell Immunodeficiencies – Job Syndrome, Hyper-IgE Syndrome & Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis

Section 17 – Congenital Mixed Immunodeficiencies – Severe Combined Immunodeficiency & Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome

Section 18 – Congenital Mixed Immunodeficiencies – Hyper-IgM Syndrome & Ataxia-Telangiectasia

Section 19 – Congenital Phagocyte Defects – Chronic Granulomatous Disease & Myeloperoxidase Deficiency

Section 20 – Congenital Phagocyte Defects – Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency & Chediak-Higashi Syndrome

Section 21 – Congenital Complement Deficiencies

Section 22 – Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Section 23 – Epiglottitis and Croup

Section 24 – Bacterial Tracheitis, Pertussis and Bronchiolitis

Section 25 – Pneumonia

Section 26 – Neonatal Sepsis, and Meningitis

Section 27 – Viral Exanthems

Section 28 – Well-child Care

Section 29 – Well-Child Care: Physical Exam

Section 30 – Child abuse

Section 31 – Oncology – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Section 32 – Neuroblastoma and Wilms Tumor

Section 33 – Osteosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma

Section 34 – Pediatric Neurologic Disease

Section 35 – MSK Disorders – Hip Conditions

Section 36 – MSK disorders – Foot Deformities

Section 37 – MSK Disorders – Orthopedic Injuries

Section 38 – Bilious Vomiting

1. Obstetrics (30)

2. Gynecology (40)

Section 1 – Child Abuse and Neglect

Section 2 – Childhood Behavior and Anxiety Disorders

Section 3 – Childhood and Early-Onset Disorders

Section 4 – Depression

Section 5 – Mania

Section 6 – Anxiety Disorders

Section 7 – Cognition, Orientation, Delirium, and Amnesia

Section 8 – Psychosis

Section 9 – Psychotic Disorders

Section 10 – Dissociative Disorders 

Section 11 – Malingering, Factitious Disorders, and Somatic Disorders

Section 12 – Personality Disorders

Section 13 – Eating Disorder

Section 15 – Sex-Related Disorders

Section 16 – Sleep Disorders

Section 17 – Substance Use Disorders and Stages of Change

Section 18 – Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

Section 1 – Cerebrovascular Disease – Ischemic Stroke

Section 2 – Cerebrovascular Disease – Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

Section 3 – Movement disorders – Parkinson & Huntington’s Disease

Section 4 – Movement disorders – Tremor & Ataxia

Section 5 – Movement disorders – Restless Leg Syndrome & Tourette Syndrome

Section 6 – Meningitis

Section 7 – Encephalitis

Section 8 – Brain Abscess & Spinal Epidural Abscess

Section 9 – Dementia

Section 10 – Altered Mental Status

Section 11 – Demyelinating Disease

Section 12 – Neuromuscular Diseases

Section 13 – Neurocutaneous Syndromes – Neurofibromatosis Type I, II, and Tuberous Sclerosis

Section 14 – Neurocutaneous Syndromes – Sturge-Weber and von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

Section 15 – Spinal Cord Diseases – Anterior Cord Syndrome, Central Cord Syndrome & Brown-Sequard Syndrome

Section 16 – Spinal Cord Diseases – Cauda Equina Syndrome, Syringomyelia & Transverse Myelitis

Section 17 – Spinal Cord Diseases – Poliomyelitis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis & Horner Syndrome

Section 18 – Seizures – Causes, Types, and Workup

Section 19 – Seizures – Differential Diagnosis, and Management

Section 20 – Aphasia and Neglect

Section 21 – Localizing Neurologic Lesions – Introduction

Section 22 – Localizing Neurologic Lesions – Cerebral Cortex, Subcortex, Brainstem and Cerebellum

Section 23 – Localizing Neurologic Lesions – Spinal Cord, Peripheral Neurons, Neuromuscular Junction, Muscles Diagnosis, & Management

Section 24 – Intracranial Hemorrhage – Subdural & Epidural Hematoma

Section 25 – Intracranial Hemorrhage – Subarachnoid & Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage

Section 26 – Headaches

Section 27 – Nervous System Tumors – Gliomas, Pilocytic Astrocytoma, GB Multiforme

Section 28 – Nervous System Tumors – Oligodendroglioma, Ependymoma

Section 29 – Nervous system tumors – Schwannoma, Medulloblastoma, Hemangioblastoma

Section 30 – Nervous System Tumors – Meningioma, Sellar & Suprasellar Tumor & Secondary Brain Tumors

Section 31 – Dizziness & Vertigo

Section 32 – Syncope

Section 1 – Ethical Principles

Section 2 – Consent and Confidentiality

Section 3 – Capacity

Section 4 – Ethical Situations

Section 5 – Geriatrics

Section 6 – Developmental Milestones

Section 7 – Healthcare Delivery

Section 8 – Quality and Safety

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